Monthly Archives For July 2009

Bandaids on Fiscal Bullet Wounds


In the face of legislation to create a public option in health care, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) recently convened a panel of experts to discuss the prospects of reforming the existing institution of Medicaid—a proposition which economists Thomas Granneman and Mark Pauly aim to defend in their newly released book “Reform Medicaid First: Laying the Foundation for National Health Care Reform.”

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Hip Hype Justice?


The ongoing debate concerning the disproportionate presence of African-Americans and other minorities in the criminal justice system has become crucial as the United States tries to find an approach to fund its prisons in an ailing economy.

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Teach Your Children to Learn


One of most important lessons you can teach your
child is how to learn. Essentially, there are two methods of pedagogy.
The first method is authoritative: truth is handed down from authority.
The second method is experiential: truth is the result of experience.

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Freedom Federation Takes Flight


A coalition of national groups committed to Judeo-Christian values launched the Freedom Federation on June 30, 2009 with the goal of promoting freedom and representing Christian perspectives on national issues such as abortion, health care, and hate crimes legislation.

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