Governments should abandon their climate-change-related taxes and regulations, turning instead to the courts for answers regarding anthropogenic global warming’s (AGW) affect on property rights, argues University of Buckingham fellow Graham Dawson in the January issue of The Free Market, a newsletter issued by The Ludwig von Mises Institute.
February 25, 2010 – 6 – 8 PM
Armand’s Pizzeria
226 Massachusetts Ave
Author M. Stanton Evans will discuss Voodoo Anyone? How to Understand Economics Without Really Trying by the late Christopher T. Warden at the next Accuracy in Academia author’s night on February 25, 2010. Evans wrote the forward to the book, published by AIA, which he also inspired. RSVP on Facebook.
Last week University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Amy Bishop allegedly fatally shot three colleagues at a faculty meeting and wounded others. The Boston Globe reported on Feb. 13 that Bishop had fatally shot her brother 24 years ago; the resulting Massachusetts State Police investigative report classified the shooting as accidental.