In a generally thorough but one-sided book, Honorable Survivor: Mao’s China, McCarthy’s America, and the Persecution of John S. Service, author Lynne Joiner makes the best case she can to defend the reputation of accused spy, John Stewart Service.
Like the congressmen they plead with and, for that matter, the professors who mentor them, activist college students rush headlong into the health care debate without questioning the facts at the heart of the controversy.
After a series of tragic teen suicides, the Massachusetts legislature is considering an anti-bullying bill that would put a greater emphasis on the problem in local schools.
The Left, throughout its history, has never been particularly enamored of the concept of Holy Matrimony, as my predecessor at Accuracy in Academia, Dan Flynn, shows in his masterful book, A Conservative History of the American Left.
Although students in Michigan aren’t exactly flying high in the reading and math stratosphere these days, they’ll certainly get the best in green education if the state government has anything to say about it.