Monthly Archives For April 2010

The Next British Invasion


The president may not like Winston Churchill’s bust glowering at him in the White House but given the manner in which the health care bill that he just signed treats abstinence education, the Obama Administration might approve of the way the British National Health Service (NHS) handles sex ed.

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Game Over for ACLU


Court documents submitted by the ACLU and the School Board of Santa Rosa County yesterday have now confirmed what Liberty Counsel has maintained all along in the litigation over the unconstitutional Consent Decree in Santa Rosa County: the two anonymous Plaintiffs represented by the ACLU graduated from Pace High School in May 2009, and the ACLU has been litigating without clients ever since.

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Fed On a Drunk


George Mason University professor Todd Zywicki offered his own interpretation of the financial crisis at a recent CATO Institute event, “Did a Lack of Consumer Protection Cause the Financial Crisis?”

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Turnstile Terrorism


AJC: The setbacks, challenges and successes of U.S.-led terrorist de-radicalization programs in Yemen and Afghanistan were the focus of a panel discussion held at the Heritage Foundation’s Washington, D.C. headquarters last month.

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