A group of Columbia University undergraduates will protest a dinner slated to take place Wednesday evening between a group of fellow Columbia students and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Our nation’s campuses are at a crossroads – and this time has less to do with the courses that are taught and more to do with the jumble of mixed messages that confront students.
Andrew Ferguson, a veteran journalist who provided a helpful chronicle of the comedy of errors that is the college application process in his book Crazy U, will be the featured speaker at Accuracy in Academia’s next author’s night on October 26, 2011 from 6-8 PM. Free food will be provided.
Although this title would seem to engender a lively competition, the current front runner for the Republican presidential nomination may be where the smart money should gravitate to.
Capitol Hill habitués here in Washington, D. C. got a chance to experience a bit of what life is like on a college campus today in a debate at the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday.
Attempts by the U. S. Department of Education to tighten the reins on the Ivory Tower may already be backfiring on the very colleges and universities that welcomed the move.
Contrary to what is frequently reported, when colleges actually do face budget cutbacks in the amount of state and federal aid that they receive, professors can usually avert them.
Václav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, in a Hillsdale College-sponsored cruise event, spoke about the roots of the current economic problems facing the European Union (EU), as well as its significance to Americans.