Faculty Lounge Colleges Get Billions in Federal Aid regardless of Graduation Rates Spencer Irvine January 29, 2015 Not an earth-shattering revelation, but frustrating. How is there no accountability?!
Faculty Lounge Bobby Jindal: School Choice Week is Freedom Week Spencer Irvine That pretty much sums up why school choice has become increasingly popular, but check out Gov. Jindal’s op-ed HERE.
Events, News Al Jazeera Makes an Appearance at the MLA Spencer Irvine Haidar Eid, an associate professor at al-Aqsa University in the Gaza Strip, who also has a blog with Al Jazeera,…
Faculty Lounge VCU ditches SAT scores for Applicants Spencer Irvine January 28, 2015 Virginia Commonwealth University, located in Richmond, Virginia, will ditch using SAT scores for applicants with a GPA at 3.3 or…
Events, News MLA Out of Touch with Reality Spencer Irvine At the Modern Language Association (MLA) convention in Vancouver, Canada, the degree to which many professors are divorced from reality…
Faculty Lounge Scientists Balk at Global Warming and 2014 was the “Hottest Year” claim Spencer Irvine Great write-up and analysis by Climate Depot’s Marc Morano. It also seems arrogant to think only humans caused a slight…
Faculty Lounge New York Times Columnist Screams Racial Profiling after Son is Detained by Yale Police Spencer Irvine A burglary suspect fled the scene of a crime, and the Yale police ended up pulling aside the son of…
Faculty Lounge Obama drops his Tax on College Savings Plans Spencer Irvine It’s been only one WEEK after his State of the Union address and he’s already backtracked his proposed tax on…
News, Perspectives Teachers Support School Choice Malcolm A. Kline More than half of American teachers support school choice, a Democratic pollster said at the National Press Club on January…
Faculty Lounge Out-Of-Print Humanities Textbooks will become Free e-Books Spencer Irvine It is a joint project by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to make humanities…
Faculty Lounge When Margaret Sanger Visited the KKK… Spencer Irvine January 27, 2015 There was a lot of bad press about Republican Steve Scalise possibly attending a Ku Klux Klan function (which was…
Faculty Lounge University of Maine won’t directly invest in Coal Companies anymore Spencer Irvine The university’s board of trustees voted on this proposal, following Stanford’s lead.