Faculty Lounge Despite BDS movement, No Actual Divestment from Israel Spencer Irvine March 17, 2015 The Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses has not led to full divestment from Israel by college…
Faculty Lounge University of Georgia Abandons Free Speech Zones Spencer Irvine Thanks to a lawsuit by the Alliance Defending Freedom and Young Americans for Liberty, free speech zones are out at…
Faculty Lounge University of Wisconsin Application asks Students about Parents’ Voting Spencer Irvine March 16, 2015 That is a really odd and weird question to put on a college application, asking where and when your parents…
Faculty Lounge Bill Ayers to be on a Penn State Law Panel Spencer Irvine The Weather Underground terrorist-turned-college-professor Bill Ayers will speak at Penn State’s law school, but his appearance will be funded by…
Guest Articles Stan Evans’ Battle Against Paganism and Cultural Marxism Cliff Kincaid Those who assembled on March 12 at St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in Leesburg, Virginia, to celebrate the life…
Faculty Lounge Utah University tried to Regulate Free Speech Wall and Gets Sued for It Spencer Irvine Dixie State University, located in St. George, Utah, tried to regulate a free speech wall put on by the Young…
Faculty Lounge Anti-Israel Activists Botch Election Procedures, but Whine Enough to Get Special Election Spencer Irvine March 15, 2015 Seems that following the rules is not the anti-Israel, pro-divestment activists’ way of doing things. As The College Fix reported:…
Faculty Lounge Catholic St. Louis University holds Feminism Week, Complete with Pro-Choice Activists Spencer Irvine As The College Fix reported: “A pro-choice, pro-LGBT activist whose website glorifies abortion doctors as “heroes” and offers tutorials on…
Faculty Lounge Pro-Life Displays, Protesters Threatened by Abortion Activists at Univ. of Oregon Spencer Irvine Contrary to what the Supreme Court has decided on free speech related to pro-life messages, a local police officer and…
Faculty Lounge Go Figure: America’s Millennials have Little-to-No Skills Spencer Irvine March 14, 2015 This is a depressing report, which shows that America’s future generation, the Millennials, have less-than-optimal skills regarding actual job skills.
Faculty Lounge Cal-Berkeley’s ‘Bathroom Brigade’ wants Gender Neutral Bathrooms Spencer Irvine Apparently, students have nothing better to do than to petition for gender neutral bathrooms on campus.
Faculty Lounge Sweet Briar College is Closing, but Not Before Their Spending Habits Emerge Spencer Irvine Sweet Briar College, a woman-only college, kept building new facilities, hiring faculty although enrollment was plunging to new depths, and…