Faculty Lounge UCLA settles Case with Ousted Professor who Exposed Global Warming Farce Spencer Irvine March 13, 2015 The College Fix keeps on doing great journalism. This time, they found that former UCLA professor James Enstrom was fired…
Faculty Lounge New York City Teachers’ Union Sued for Easy Tenure Requirements Spencer Irvine This is a huge step for the pro-school reform camp, as Campbell Brown’s lawsuit will be heard by a judge…
Guest Articles Texas School Rejects Censorship as Matter of Principal Tony Perkins Texas is known for a lot of things — but pushovers aren’t one of them. The Freedom From Religion Foundation…
Faculty Lounge UC-Irvine Professors Sign Petition to Keep U.S. Flag Ban Spencer Irvine Of course the professors signed onto the petition to bring back the flag ban in a student building.
Faculty Lounge Bad Press Abounds for North Michigan University over Bullying Its Student Paper Spencer Irvine Kudos to the student paper at Northern Michigan University for standing up to a bullying administration, who was upset over…
Faculty Lounge Black Rutgers Professor: Justice Clarence Thomas has Hurt Civil Rights Spencer Irvine March 12, 2015 Assistant professor Brittney Cooper at Rutgers made the claim during a guest lecture along with other liberal and leftist points about Bill Cosby…
Faculty Lounge Univ. of Wisconsin Student Papers: Negative Scott Walker Op-Eds outnumber Positive Ones by 3-to-1 Ratio Spencer Irvine The College Fix did a count of op-eds in the University of Wisconsin newspapers and found out that there was…
Perspectives Education Savings Accounts and Scholarships Matter Spencer Irvine The Platte Institute, a non-profit research think tank based in Nebraska, released a report on how to better cater to…
Faculty Lounge Grad Student Objects to Facebook’s “feeling fat” Status Option Spencer Irvine Apparently, Facebook’s “feeling fat” status option is unbearable for an Ohio University graduate student.
Faculty Lounge Guest Lecturer Offended by Tenured Spanish Professor Spencer Irvine March 11, 2015 A guest lecturer visited the University of North Georgia and was corrected several times by a tenured Spanish professor. That…
Faculty Lounge Texas may Force State Colleges to Perform before Raising Tuition Spencer Irvine The state’s senate body is deciding whether to force colleges and universities to fulfill performance-based criteria in order to hike…
Faculty Lounge Students Start Chapter to Bring Back Family, Traditional Values at UC-Santa Barbara Spencer Irvine It’s a really unique situation at UC-Santa Barbara, where drinking parties and hook-ups are commonplace at one of the nation’s…