Events, Video M. Stanton Evans uncovers Stalin’s Secret Agents in the New Deal Years Spencer Irvine March 4, 2015 Journalist M. Stanton Evans, who passed away at age 80 this week, spoke about his book, “Stalin’s Secret Agents” at…
Faculty Lounge Stan Evans, Scholar-Comedian of the Conservative Movement, passes at 80 Daniel Flynn M. Stanton Evans, the author of the Sharon Statement elucidating the guiding principles of Young Americans for Freedom, has passed…
Perspectives Ferguson Remembered Malcolm A. Kline Universities are still trying to make a teachable moment out of the tragedy which occurred in Ferguson, Missouri last summer…
Faculty Lounge MSNBC Host Joked she hoped Trayvon Martin Beat George Zimmerman before being shot Spencer Irvine Melissa Harris-Perry, a host on the liberal news network MSNBC, gave a speech commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. and the…
Faculty Lounge Jewish UCLA Student Given Student Position after Anti-Semitic Students Apologize Spencer Irvine March 3, 2015 Glad to see that a student received the right appointment to the student body’s judicial council based on merits, not…
Perspectives Michelle Rhee’s Policies Still Linger Malcolm A. Kline When she served as chancellor of Washington, D.C.’s public schools, Michelle Rhee’s policies provoked scorn from Capital City teachers, to…
Faculty Lounge College Fix CPAC Poll shows Rand Paul has the Millennial Vote Spencer Irvine Rand Paul had 31% of the Millennial vote, Ted Cruz was second with 26% and Scott Walker got 11% of…
News RIP M. Stanton Evans Spencer Irvine Our dear friend M. Stanton Evans has passed away. He was a great mentor, friend, and conservative figure, not to mention a…
Faculty Lounge NYU Professor links Immigration to Gays Spencer Irvine New York University Professor Cristina Beltrán, a professor who researches feminism, race and gender issues, gave a workshop at UCLA on…
Perspectives Liberal Media fails to Smear Scott Walker, Again Spencer Irvine Sounds like a pattern, right? The liberal press, Jezebel, The Daily Beast and Huffington Post, accused Scott Walker, the presumed…
Faculty Lounge College Sexual Assault creating On-Campus Controversies at Oregon Spencer Irvine March 2, 2015 The University of Oregon, at least its student body, is putting into place restrictions on Greek fraternities (and not sororities)…
Perspectives Bipartisan Common Core Opposition Malcolm A. Kline Contrary to popular belief, aka news media coverage, opposition to the Common Core education reforms of President Obama is stretching…