Guest Articles The Clintons’ Pornographer Paul Kengor May 10, 2015 An aspect of the Clinton Years that most academic historians might miss: When Larry Flynt is feeling righteous, he describes…
Faculty Lounge Ohio State Held a Diversity Conference because It’s an Ignored Issue Spencer Irvine May 9, 2015 So Ohio State University held a diversity conference this past week because diversity is an oft-ignored issue? Seriously?!
Faculty Lounge New Hampshire College will Teach Course about DeflateGate Spencer Irvine Really? How do deflated footballs in the National Football League actually help students learn real-life applications?!
Faculty Lounge Harvard Law Students want “Diversity” in search for a New Dean Spencer Irvine The College Fix reported that diversity is one of the top priorities of Harvard Law students, among other important qualities.
Guest Articles Soviet Peace Studies Cliff Kincaid In 1981, the Soviet-front U.S. Peace Council held its second national conference. Endorsers included Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis, one…
Faculty Lounge Decoding the Rules of the Left after Baltimore Spencer Irvine May 8, 2015 Victor Davis Hanson writes another great piece, this time on the Baltimore riots and the tactics of the Left.
Guest Articles Why The Left Must Destroy Ben Carson Cliff Kincaid Black conservative Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is everything Barack Obama is not. That’s why he has to be destroyed….
Faculty Lounge Progressive UCLA Student Party Used Student Fees to Campaign, Sold Pot and Alcohol to Raise Funds Spencer Irvine All the above are blatant violations of student election law at UCLA, and now the progressive LETS ACT party at…
Faculty Lounge Professor Gives Student Failing Grades since She Objected to His Anti-Christian Views, Rhetoric Spencer Irvine Polk State College professor Lance “L.J.” Rossum gave a student, who is a sixteen-year-old high school student seeking college credit before…
Faculty Lounge Illinois to be Censured for Ousting Anti-Israel Professor Steven Salaita Spencer Irvine The University of Illinois will be censured for firing Steven Salaita, who had left his previous job at Virginia Tech…
Perspectives Remaking of Alexander Hamilton Malcolm A. Kline With their gift for ruining everything they touch, American progressives have done incalculable damage to the reputation of Alexander Hamilton….
Faculty Lounge No, Baltimore Schools Aren’t Underfunded Spencer Irvine A great find by the Washington Examiner. No, liberals, Democrats and President Obama, Baltimore public schools are not underfunded. They…