Perspectives How Conservatives Teach Malcolm A. Kline July 10, 2015 Liberal friends curious about how conservative professors actually teach might consider asking them. That’s what Jeisi Zhao of the Young…
Faculty Lounge Dept of Ed Rejects Asian-American Admissions Discrimination Complaint against Harvard Spencer Irvine Obama’s Department of Education dismissed the complaint against Harvard, which alleges that Harvard discriminates against Asian American applicants in the…
Faculty Lounge America’s Old Glory Flag is as Repressive as the Confederate Flag Spencer Irvine July 9, 2015 About fifty protesters at the University of South Florida made this claim, that the American flag is just as oppressive…
Perspectives Detroit’s Choice Malcolm A. Kline Something is actually growing in Detroit, a city that mostly has been in the news for its losses—charter schools, 66…
Faculty Lounge Heckler’s Veto on College Campuses Exposes Millennials’ Ignorance Spencer Irvine In the search for greater ideas, college students today are actually narrow-minded as they exercise heckler’s veto and limit free…
Faculty Lounge Confederate Statue at UNC Vandalized Spencer Irvine So much for tolerance for history: A statue was vandalized with ‘KKK’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the Chapel Hill…
Faculty Lounge LSU Fires Professor for Being Too Hard on Her Students Spencer Irvine A professor was fired because she was too hard on her students, but had a history of swearing at her…
Perspectives Black Like Rachel Malcolm A. Kline In a way, Rachel Dolezal is a living embodiment of racial progress. In the 1961 book, Black Like Me, white…
Faculty Lounge Notre Dame facing Pro-Gay Lobbying on their College Campus Spencer Irvine July 8, 2015 What will be next for Notre Dame? College Fix reported: “Efforts to support and defend the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender…
Guest Articles Dr. Paul Kengor discusses his book “Dupes: How the Communist Left Has Manipulated the Progressive Left for a Century” Heather Thompson On Monday June 29, The Institute of World Politics welcomed Dr. Paul G. Kengor to discuss the topic of his…
Faculty Lounge Minnesota Flag should be Changed because It is Racist, says Professor Spencer Irvine The professor wanted to keep the momentum going from the outcry over the Confederate flag to change the Minnesota state…
Guest Articles Polish Heroes Remembered on the 4th of July: “American Day” in an Historic Polish Town Mark Wegierski July 7, 2015 TORONTO, ONTARIO — During June to August 2004, I spent three very memorable months in Poland. On July 3 (on…