Perspectives The Decline of English Departments Spencer Irvine September 13, 2015 The John William Pope Center’s Jay Schalin recently published a report detailing the decline of America’s college English departments. More…
Faculty Lounge Research Fellow says Men Should Be Put in a Camp Spencer Irvine September 12, 2015 A University of Lincoln research fellow, Julie Bindel, also noted that gender should be eliminated because it subordinates women.
Perspectives Antidote to White Flight: Charter and Private Schools Spencer Irvine Liberal activists concerned about the “white flight” from cities over the past four decades may want to consider a new…
Faculty Lounge Colleges Scrambling to Scrap Free Speech Codes in Accordance with Congress Spencer Irvine As the College Fix reported: More than 100 colleges and universities are flouting a deadline given to them by the…
Faculty Lounge Muslim Student Elected as Student President of Anti-Israel Group J Street Spencer Irvine September 11, 2015 J Street U, the student arm of the J Street organization, elected a female Muslim student as its president. Supporters…
Perspectives M. Stanton Evans: Freedom And Virtue Must Rise Together Spencer Irvine Stan always had a way with words:
Faculty Lounge University of Illinois Backtracks from Blocking 9/11 Flag Display by College Republicans Spencer Irvine The College Fix reported: In the end, honoring the dead of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks beat the lawn-care needs…
Perspectives George W. Bush on the Night of the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Spencer Irvine One of the more memorable quotes from President George W. Bush’s evening address after the terrorist attacks:
Faculty Lounge Teacher who Blogged about Her Class Loses Free Speech Case in Court Spencer Irvine September 10, 2015 As the College Fix reported, the teacher did not have good things to say about her students: A teacher at…
Faculty Lounge 33% of College Graduates can’t Name the Bill of Rights Spencer Irvine The results are not encouraging, but this is because only 18% of colleges require students to take a course in…
Perspectives Title IX Attacks Male College Students Malcolm A. Kline Young men considering college may want to look at safer pastimes, like race car driving. Colleges are hell-bent on penalizing…
Faculty Lounge “Ready for Hillary” Sticker on Student’s Laptop in a School Picture Stirs Controversy Spencer Irvine It doesn’t really seem like a big deal, but apparently it caused quite a commotion. Then again, if the sticker…