Perspectives Academic Free Speech Freefall Malcolm A. Kline March 21, 2016 It is one of the many ironies of our modern age that one of the places that the first amendment…
Faculty Lounge Student Gov’t Candidates Push for 24/7 Counseling Hotline, Diversity Initiatives Spencer Irvine Welcome to American University, where sources of funding don’t matter to student government candidates. How will they get all the…
Faculty Lounge First Graders Taken to a Black Lives Matter Rally by Teacher Spencer Irvine Adding to this is the principal’s insistence that this is the right thing to do, overriding parent’s objections. Photo by…
Faculty Lounge Some Columbia Students Praise Intifada and Conveniently Ignore the Violence and Harm Spencer Irvine March 20, 2016 It means tax evasion, guys, not actual violence and killing of Israelis, according to some activists at Columbia University ….
Faculty Lounge New Jersey School Board: Criticizing Vegetarianism is Harassment Spencer Irvine Really? A sixth grade student at a school in New Jersey’s Somerset Township was sentenced to “five lunch-time detentions” for…
Faculty Lounge Student Gov’t Leader: Right-Handed People Privilege Exists Spencer Irvine Wait, what?! A University of New Orleans student government executive argues that aside from white males, college students, U.S. citizens,…
Faculty Lounge Trigger Warnings Started in Internet Chat Rooms Years Ago, says FIRE President Spencer Irvine From Campus Reform: The president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), Greg Lukianoff, told Fox Business’ Adam…
Faculty Lounge Virginia Tech Students Claim Economics’ Bell Curve Author as Racist Spencer Irvine March 19, 2016 Charles Murray, a respected conservative economist, co-wrote a book on the famous bell curve in economics. But, liberal Virginia Tech…
Faculty Lounge Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy Drinks Banned at Vermont College Spencer Irvine Middlebury College doesn’t like energy drinks, apparently. Photo by :Salihan Photo by :Salihan
Perspectives Late-Term Abortions through Academic Eyes Malcolm A. Kline Of three professors who recently testified before a congressional hearing on late-term abortions, two actually looked at it from the…
Faculty Lounge Toy Lightsaber Mistaken for Gun on College Campus Spencer Irvine True story, from the Farmingdale State College on Long Island, New York: A warning from the Long Island-based Farmingdale State College…
Faculty Lounge Fun Fake Sumo Wrestler Game Offends UC-Davis Students Spencer Irvine They haven’t ever seen a sumo suit before? It’s pretty fun to mess around like that, but to be offended?…