Faculty Lounge Campus Police Investigate Chalk Writings as Hateful Spencer Irvine April 4, 2016 Some of the chalk writing on sidewalks were hateful and offensive, in the defense of UCSB’s investigation.
Faculty Lounge Conservative, Libertarian Professors Ignored in Job Searches Spencer Irvine A good take from a Georgetown University professor. Photo by ehpien
Faculty Lounge #TheChalkening Scares Snowflakes on College Campuses Spencer Irvine Chalk writings appeared on college campuses across the U.S., whereby liberal ‘snowflake’ college students complained of how offensive “Trump 2016”…
Faculty Lounge New Mexico Students Protest University Seal, Don’t Know It Was Designed by Native American Spencer Irvine April 3, 2016 From the Campus Reform: Students at the University of New Mexico (UNM) are protesting their school’s official seal because of…
Faculty Lounge Bias Reporting Creates a Culture of Silence, Op-Ed says Spencer Irvine Well, it does. Carleton College professors aren’t fans of bias reporting: Two Carleton College professors are uneasy about the “bias…
Faculty Lounge WATCH: Leftist Students Protest, Walk Out of Ben Shapiro’s UNC Speech Spencer Irvine It backfired, as more students filed in once the protesters left. Ouch! A staged walkout by liberal students during a…
Perspectives The AAUP on the Title IX Commandments Spencer Irvine The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) recently published a draft of their report on the uneven enforcement of Title…
Faculty Lounge Alabama Faculty Join In on Disinviting U.S. Senator Sessions from Commencement Spencer Irvine April 2, 2016 All this hoopla because of the endorsement of Jeff Sessions (who is a longtime U.S. Senator for the state of Alabama)…
Guest Articles Free Otto Warmbier! Cliff Kincaid Editor’s Note: Below is a video of Otto’s press conference televised from North Korea. https://youtu.be/dCZvgY1NGXU A student who studied economics…
Faculty Lounge There’s an App for It: Sexual Assault App Spencer Irvine The app, “I’ve-Been-Violated,” is supposed to be a confidential way to record evidence or make a record of a sexual…
Faculty Lounge Free Speech Crackdown is a Good Thing, College Student Claims Spencer Irvine Editor’s Note: Latest spin on free speech crackdown—change the world by changing the campus. Zachary Wood, guest blogging at the AAUP’s…
Faculty Lounge Texas University Cancels ‘The Vagina Monologues’ since the Writer is a White Woman Spencer Irvine This is… just getting out of hand, isn’t it?! Photo by paraplegicpanda Photo by paraplegicpanda