Faculty Lounge Academic Freedom during Times of Political Correctness Spencer Irvine October 8, 2016 Read Jay Schalin’s latest piece at the Pope Center on Zionists vs. ‘post-Zionists’: In 2010, a seemingly insignificant event in…
Faculty Lounge College of William and Mary Hid Gang-Related Nature of On-Campus Shooting Spencer Irvine Hiding the truth from the public? Hmmm… After a shooting occurred within a thousand feet of several residence halls at the…
Perspectives Cybersecurity Worries Intelligence Officials Spencer Irvine October 7, 2016 Cybersecurity is a huge concern for the CIA in today’s world. At a panel during a recent CIA-George Washington University…
Faculty Lounge The Wells Fargo Scandal Sounds a Lot like the Atlanta Teacher-Test Scores Scandal Spencer Irvine A good read on the similarities between the two scandals: This all sounds a lot like the Atlanta public schools…
Faculty Lounge 40% of College Students are Over the Age of 25 Spencer Irvine Wow…read it for yourself: In today’s rapidly shifting economy, Americans now know that keeping their skills and education fresh is…
Faculty Lounge Study: American Businesses Benefit from Immigration, Taxpayers Don’t Spencer Irvine This is an interesting summary by the Center for Immigration Studies on a recent study by the National Academies (known…
Faculty Lounge Catholic College’s Spiritual Arm Supports ‘Black Lives Matter’ Spencer Irvine October 6, 2016 At Loyola University in Chicago, the university’s Campus Ministry approved of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest by its students, some…
Faculty Lounge Two Professors Reported to ‘Bias Incident’ Teams for Conservative Views Spencer Irvine Sounds like these ‘bias response’ or ‘bias incident’ teams are being used to silence conservative voices on college campuses: Two…
Faculty Lounge Cornell Students Approve Tampons in Men’s Restrooms Spencer Irvine Sounds like a big waste of money to do this, but it’s Cornell’s money being put to use: The referendum…
Perspectives Trump Baffles Academics Malcolm A. Kline The “best and the brightest” in academe have been trying to unravel the Trump phenomenon for about as long as…
Faculty Lounge Washington Post Writer Unhappy with Dog Costumes due to Gender Norms Spencer Irvine Apparently, dog costumes are something to be outraged about. Here’s what Breitbart wrote on the article: In an article entitled “Is…
Faculty Lounge Student Suspended for Taking Picture of Dirty Water in Bathroom, which is Against School Policy Spencer Irvine October 5, 2016 The rule against photography in school bathrooms is meant to protect privacy. But, in this case, it appears as if the…