News of a grant from ICE on weapons trafficking data sparked a protest at Northeastern University, with some claims that ICE would push researchers to focus on border security and enforcement.
When a college football player made some money on the side from youtube videos showing him working out and hanging with his friends, the university took action against him, which might be unconstitutional.
Add tree activism to your list of leftist student activities: It cost Iowa State University students about $1,000 to plant a ‘tree of oppression’ to symbolize the struggle against oppression.
And, oddly, it’s reminiscent of the affirmative action bake sales conservative students sometimes staged in order to satirize a policy they disagreed with.
If the president wants students to notice the historic job growth that has occurred on his watch, he might want to put a freeze on H1-B visas, even while he’s building that wall.
Louisiana State University law professor Ken Levy suggested that Democratic politicians should sue Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over the Senate judicial confirmations process to hold them accountable for stalling Obama’s nominee in 2016.