A Pennsylvania high school may have its mascot changed from the “Redskins” to another name, which decision will be decided by the state’s Human Relations Commission.
Portland, Oregon high school students protested in front of City Hall and walked out of class. The reason for their protest? They did not like the presence of school resource officers, or school cops.
An art historian claimed that European art has been used to support white supremacist beliefs, which means museums should reconsider featuring European art in their exhibits.
According to two Princeton student groups, menstruation is no longer a woman-only issue because transgender and non-binary people have menstrual cycles.
Penn State will be hosting a series of lectures on ‘Trans and Intersex Wellness’ this upcoming semester, with the first speaker addressing the terrible conditions of trans surgeons in Thailand.
At the City University of New York, there will be an event held to discuss ‘Queer Milton,’ based on the writings of the famous English poet John Milton.