Adult Academic Book Store
Our academic elites love to point out to the rest of us how unenlightened we are. Perhaps they can explain the scholarly value of some of the books rolling off of their own university presses, such as the trio of tomes reviewed by Camille Paglia in the September 21, 2007 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education:
• Images of Bliss: Ejaculation, Masculinity, Meaning, by Murat Aydemir (University of Minnesota Press, 2007).
• Impotence: A Cultural History, by Angus McLaren (University of Chicago Press, 2007).
• Sperm Counts: Overcome by Man’s Most Precious Fluid, by Lisa Jean Moore (New York University Press, 2007).
Meet the authors:
• Aydemir is assistant professor of literature at the University of Amsterdam.
• McLaren is a professor of history at the University of Victoria.
• Moore is an associate professor of sociology at Purchase College in the State University of New York system. You may not be surprised to learn that she is also a professor of women’s studies and coordinator of Gender Studies at the college.
Malcolm A. Kline is the executive director of Accuracy in Academia.