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Rachel Dolezal, the ‘trans-racial’ former professor, is still Unemployed

Rachel Dolezal, the ‘trans-racial’ former professor, is still Unemployed

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image screenshot from TODAY video interview

Rachel Dolezal made headlines when it was discovered that she had been identifying as a black woman for years, when she was born as a white woman. She was let go from her job at the University of Eastern Washington and hasn’t found a job since then:

With a new book ready to come out next month, “trans-racial” Rachel Dolezal — the white former Eastern Washington University adjunct and Spokane, Washington NAACP chief who claims she is actually black — recently granted an interview with The Guardian in which she says she can’t get a job … and is depending on food stamps.

She claims her situation is akin to being a (racial) “punching bag”: “There’s nobody saying, ‘Well, that’s racist if you say that about Rachel’, or ‘That’s sexist if you say that about Rachel.’ There’s no protected class for me. I’m this generic, ambiguous scapegoat for white people to call me a race traitor and take out their hostility on.

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