College Prep

Educators Bemoan the Constitution

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Educators across the nation are reacting negatively to a U.S. Department of Education directive that mandates that all federally funded schools teach about the United States Constitution on September 17th, also known as Constitution Day.

Why are the educators so concerned? Well schools may have to interrupt their lesson plans according to Dan Fuller, director of federal programs for the National School Boards Association. Considering that it is May and the school year normally begins in September, I don’t see why teachers can’t insert a lesson on the Constitution. Fuller also said that “You may have to leap from the Civil War or Vietnam to the Constitution.” Once again, why can’t the teachers plan for this and make the lesson fit? Besides, the government isn’t telling the teachers what they have to teach about the document.

The real issue for educators is their fear that the government is dictating curriculum and what this could lead to. That fear is unfounded as the government has stayed away from trying to influence what is taught in our schools, which based on the current offerings is a shame.

So why hasn’t there been a loud protest from teachers unions and college and university presidents on this? It is because the person responsible for this law is Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Not exactly a right wing plot, now is it?

While the education establishment stews about all of this we should thank Senator Byrd for helping to educate our children about our country.

Don Irvine is the Chairman of Accuracy in Media.

Don Irvine
Donald Irvine is the chairman of of Accuracy in Academia (AIA), a non-profit research group reporting on bias in education. Irvine follows his father’s legacy, Reed Irvine, to critically analyze the liberal media’s bias and brings over thirty years of media analysis experience. He has published countless blog posts and articles on media bias, in context of current events, and he has been interviewed by many news media outlets during his professional career. He currently hosts a livestream weekly show on AIA’s Facebook page which discusses current events. Irvine graduated from the University of Maryland and rose up the ranks to become chairman of Accuracy in Media until his transition to AIA. He resides in the suburbs around the nation’s capital and is a proud father and grandfather.

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