
Fighting Illini

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Are you a journalist? If so, how can you justify using quotes from “RATEMYPROFESSOR” to give heft to your arguments? In any given classroom, there will be at least one or two students who are dissatisfied. And when these one or two students post on this oh so credible website, you assume that this is the opinion of the majority?

I took one of Professor Hays classes. Not only is he one of the most brilliant professors in the department, and perhaps the college, but he makes difficult and “overtheorized” concepts easy to understand. His course changed my entire way of thinking. Oops, i forgot to post that on ratemyprofessor. If i had, though, I doubt you would have included it in your simplistic and immature assessment of the conference. One student writes that a teacher is “clearly a feminist”…??? I doubt he even knows the meaning of the word.

I logged onto RMP and looked up Kelsky’s reviews…looks like you conveniently forgot to include “for the most part I learned a lot. Not a stressful class- lots of discussion and EASY!”. The degree of difficulty should not necessarily indicate the worth of a teacher. You are a bit too quick to jump to that conclusion.

Who are you to decide what is academically noteworthy and what is not? All of these subjects operate on many levels and researchers find applicability in other areas of thought. Your article was trash.

Laura Elkayam


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