BC Roll Call
Faculty members at Boston College objected when Dr. Condoleezza Rice delivered this year’s commencement address.
• They did not object to Janet Reno delivering the commencement address on May 19, 1997, not long after her actions resulted in the horrific death of 34 women and children in Waco, Texas.
• They did not object when Mary Daly, self-proclaimed radical feminist and theology professor, successfully barred men from her classroom for 25 years.
• They did not object to NARAL Pro-Choice America president, Kate Michelman, when she spoke at the Boston College Law School.
• They did not object when a Boston College professor sat on the board of directors of the Death with Dignity National Center.
• They did not object when pro-abortion student clubs were established, including the Reproductive Choice Coalition.
• They did not object when student newspapers, promoting sex and contraception, included a sex-advice column titled “Sex and the University”, in the student newspaper, The Heights.
• And of course, they never objected when the Rev. Robert Drinan, a Jesuit priest and Boston College Law School Dean, supported abortion rights in Congress from 1970 to 1980.
Sometimes, what people don’t object to speaks louder than what they do object to.
I am not sure what Boston College is … but Roman Catholic it is not.
God Bless!
Thomas Oberst writes from Massachusetts.