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Free or FAIR Immigration?

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A new study published by the Cato Institute asserts that current U.S. immigration laws and policies run counter to the economic wellness of U.S. households and advocates legalization of illegal immigrants through visa-taxing in order to maximize immigration’s benefit.

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Not Easy Being Green

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New “green” regulations being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could put small businesses in the red, warned some panelists at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) discussion on July 24th.

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Sonia Behind the Bench

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Since President Obama announced his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the media has hailed the Puerto Rican federal court of appeals judge as a role-model for women and Hispanics. News coverage by the major networks has mainly focused on Sotomayor’s “inspiring” rags-to-riches upbringing and her “politically moderate” judicial record.

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Energized Alliances

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This Wednesday, the Brookings Institution convened three panels of experts to discuss the new relationship between Russia and Turkey, whose history of hostilities has apparently abruptly ground to a halt.

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Before the Door Closed

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The District of Columbia School Choice Incentive Act was signed by President Bush in January, 2004, allocating $14 million for the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP). A University of Arkansas report reviews OSP successes and limitations.

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