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Self-Esteem Bottoms Out

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While everyone from Middle American parents to the U. S. Secretary of Education are expressing a lack of confidence in the ability of ed schools to deliver qualified teachers to public schools, the deans of those institutions have no such angst.

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Global Warming: Inconvenient Facts

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In the wake of the Climategate scandal, panelists and audience members at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC4) indicated growing confidence that the tide is turning in favor of those who believe that man-made global warming is not a crisis.

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Academics Boost Arizona Tourism

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Here’s the difference between left-wing celebrities threatening to leave the United States because they don’t like the results of a presidential election and left-wing groups who threaten to boycott a state to show distaste for its laws. The former make America a better place while the latter make Arizona a better place.

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