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Anti-American University

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Groups like Accuracy in Academia are providing the flashlight, and as the overpriced truth of American academia becomes visible, the purveyors of anti-Americanism, social and cultural relativism and overt nonsense will find the walls of their ivory towers less and less insulated from the real world, and we will all, particularly we students, be better off.

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CINO Again

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One would think that the College of the Holy Cross (HC) would actually have one of the religious artifacts on display but the only one we could find on the web site was attached to an “o” that is the symbol of the women’s studies program at the Worcester, Mass. School, and of the feminist movement itself.

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Bucknell Bends Left

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Bucknell Women’s Resource Center director Molly Dragiewicz was offered the chance to co-sponsor a speech by American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers. Dragiewicz responded by smearing Sommers as “opposed to gender equity” and lacking in “intellectual integrity.”

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