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Homeland Insecurity

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AJC: In a forum hosted by the CATO Institute on May 25, 2010, libertarian author Ben Friedman and Ohio State University professor John Mueller argued that the American public’s panic over terrorism and homeland security has cost taxpayers trillions of wasted dollars.

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A Shariah-Compliant Nominee?

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The academic tenure of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan at Harvard Law gives us a glimpse into not only the predilection of such institutions for systems not compatible with the U. S. Constitution but also the likelihood that such legal systems will play an increasingly unwelcome role in America’s future.

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Texas Sidestep

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Elites who treat the efforts of Texas officials to balance their otherwise politically correct textbooks as a scandal are missing an even bigger outrage in the Lone Star State’s public schools.

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The China Syndrome

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As Americans continue to brace themselves through the worst economic recession in recent history, they are consumed with thoughts of fear of the economic unknown.  As the federal government continues to try to “cure” the market of this ill, lawmakers are pointing fingers to where they believe the problem all began.

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