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Alabama Shooter’s Murky Past

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Last week University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Amy Bishop allegedly fatally shot three colleagues at a faculty meeting and wounded others. The Boston Globe reported on Feb. 13 that Bishop had fatally shot her brother 24 years ago; the resulting Massachusetts State Police investigative report classified the shooting as accidental.

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Red Cross Rules of Engagement

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AJC: In international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict, there has been a large change—law is no longer based on practice, or what fighting countries actually do in wars, but it’s now based on what someone said in a speech, a professor said at an event put on by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

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Show Us Your Constitution

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The constitutional literacy of our educated, elite, elected class should cause us to question their educations, elections and, for that matter, class. Just listen to how some of our best and brightest on Capitol Hill answered a question posed by the Cybercast News Service (CNS).

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Save the Farm

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A library featuring the personal papers of anti-communist hero Whittaker Chambers is being planned on the site of his farm in Maryland. Unfortunately, local authorities are considering a water project that could damage part of the property

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Mann Overboard

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Accuracy in Academia has identified several concerns regarding the inquiry committee’s report and Penn State’s ongoing conflicts of interest in conducting Professor Mann’s investigation.

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Student Readers Go Rogue

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Sarah Palin’s memoir, Going Rogue: An American Life, is number 4 on the Chronicle of Higher Education’s What They’re Reading on College Campuses bestseller list. This could produce the biggest shock wave to hit faculty lounges since Reagan captured the youth vote, you betcha’.

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