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Epic Fail?

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AJC: Last year was the dawn of a new, historic time in American history. The election of President Barack Obama due in part to the overwhelming energy and support of the American youth vote made the Promised Land seem imminent.

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India China Paradox

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AJC: The main question should not be if India will economically catch up with China but if India should try to catch up with China, said a scholar at a Heritage Foundation event discussing India and China’s future and current position in the international political economy.

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Dragon Tales

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Academics conclude that China is not quite the threat it has been presumed to be, though hardly benign. Boston College political scientist Robert Ross reminded a Capitol Hill audience recently that China surpassed the United States as the number one trading partner of both Taiwan and South Korea in 2001.

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Collegial Collusion

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The Chronicle of Higher Education reported yesterday that the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) has decided to cancel an online Ph.D. program for community college administrators because it competes with Morgan State University, a historically black institution which offers a similar Ph.D. program.

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Amnesty Again?

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AJC: Because Congress and the president are getting set to revamp immigration law, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) undertook a task few academics or policymakers have. The CIS looked at what happened the last time that the executive and legislative branches got together to relax border controls.

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