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Redefining Human Rights

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When Nobel-prize winning economist Amartya Sen released his book Development as Freedom in 1999, his argument that democratic freedoms had an economic component in the developing world was greeted with acclaim. Now a World Bank employee building upon Sen’s conception of positive and negative freedoms is arguing that the twin discourses of human rights and development need to reach an accord.

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DC Commencement Circuit

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Happy graduates are about to go off to seek their fortunes in a not-so-friendly job market. But before they can pursue careers in business, writing, science and other fields, they must pass one last indoctrination hurdle: the commencement speech.

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Government Free to Fail

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“While some are prepared to write the obituary on capitalism and our movement, I believe we are on the brink of a great American awakening,” said Representative Mike Pence (R-Ind.) at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

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College Students as Pawns

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It was surprising to hear the word “surplus” on Capitol Hill on April 7th, having grown accustomed to the usual news about deficits. But the Cato Institute pin-pointed one surplus that is, because of the mismanagement of government funding, harming the system. The surplus is in college graduates.

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