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Key to Open Government

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At a Center for American Progress (CAP) event, panelists discussed what the Obama administration hopes to achieve, the policy issues facing the administration, the Obama administration’s vision for e-government and financial and economic transparency.

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Stimulating Shame

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The United States faces what calls “a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression.” To combat this crisis, the government has come up with The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Bill Ayers Fears Parents

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It’s been quite a turnaround for Bill Ayers. The Communist terrorist who planned bombings of police stations, in order to inflict maximum injury and death on police officers, is now depending on the police at the University of Illinois, where he is a “distinguished” professor, to protect him from the tough questions of students’ parents.

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Happiness is…Gridlock

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Congressman Tom Price (R-GA), who represents the “happiest district in the nation” according to a recent study, expressed his regrets that his district “is not happy about what’s going on here in Washington right now.”

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