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The Next British Invasion

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The president may not like Winston Churchill’s bust glowering at him in the White House but given the manner in which the health care bill that he just signed treats abstinence education, the Obama Administration might approve of the way the British National Health Service (NHS) handles sex ed.

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How hi are u?

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Left-wing California politicians have been talking about legalizing and taxing marijuana to save the state from bankruptcy. But thanks to the state’s most notorious pothead, Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell, that vision may now go up in smoke.

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Crossing a Diverse Line

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Tens of thousands are supporting Israel this week and standing up against the anti-Semitic rhetoric that has plagued North American campuses. This effort is being driven by an exclusive clip gone viral of Crossing the Line: The Intifada Comes to Campus which highlights the insidious environment where Jews are verbally and even physically attacked on campus.

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Still Stuck on Stupid

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With literacy on all levels (i.e., without adjectives or with—scientific, historical, civic, etc.) on the wane, public officials everywhere scratch their heads over what to do about it while concocting schemes such as the one devised by the school board in the city Tony Bennett sings about.

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DePaul Denounced

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On January 19, 2010, attorneys for former DePaul University professor Thomas Klocek filed his opening brief in his appeal of the circuit court’s decision to deny him a jury trial on the merits of his defamation case against DePaul.

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