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LOST Law School Studies

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For example, how many people know that one of the brains behind the treaty was a Harvard Law Professor, Louis Sohn, who believed in world government? And that Sohn favored a world government with hundreds of thousands of troops, nuclear weapons, and military bases around the world? And that Sohn was a major influence on the current Yale Law School Dean who could become President Hillary Clinton’s first nomination to the Supreme Court?

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Reading Between The ACTs

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The new ACT 2007 College Readiness Report, released August 15, congratulates American educators once again for improving student scores “on all four subject-area tests: English, mathematics, reading and science” but a closer examination of the data reveals that of the approximately 1.3 million students took the curriculum-based, national ACT college placement exam this year, average scores have been increasing incrementally within each subject.

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Born Again Beijing

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The romantic notion of a powerful underground movement taking hold of a nation and effecting change of international proportions is the hypothesis of journalist David Aikman’s Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power.

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