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Grumpy Old Men

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Institutions of higher learning, designed to be the most temperate pillars of society, produce some of America’s most intemperate and unsubstantiated rhetoric; and the two Granddaddies of grandiloquence have to be Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.

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VT Elegy

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For many of us, the bloody horrors at Virginia Tech served as a sudden and painful reminder that we live in a fallen world where man is capable of unthinkable evil.

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Education Orientation

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As battles rage across the country in school systems over sexual orientation policies, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) meeting put in their two cents worth with a late afternoon session on Saturday titled “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual , and Transgender Issues in Schools: The Changing Landscape in Legal and Practical Terms-Are You Ready?”

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Kansas Wesleyan Student Defended

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In a case that epitomizes the need for greater academic freedom protections on America’s campuses, a student at Kansas Wesleyan University was charged with violating the University’s honor code for introducing a version of the Academic Bill of Rights in his student government without citing the source of the bill.

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The Higher Education Hobgoblin

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There is a cottage industry in the U.S. (located mostly in Washington, DC, but with satellite plants scattered around the country) that produces hand-wringing policy reports saying that America faces a crisis unless it finds a way to put more students into and through college.

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