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Rock the Aid

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At least one of the proposals to increase federal aid to higher education contains a provision that would virtually guarantee an explosion in the growth of government in the very near future.

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Student Loan Deception

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The reality is that accessibility has nothing to do with the rates on student loans, but more on family income and financial aid. Also since student loans aren’t repaid until after graduation chopping the interest rate has no immediate effect on students’ budgets.

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Activist Academics at MLA

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If the largest conclave of college English professors in the country sometimes sounded like a Democratic Party strategy session at the Modern Language Association meeting late last year, it might be because the two groups’ membership rolls have an overlap.

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Thoroughly Modern MLA

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In a way, the largest collection of English professors in the country—the Modern Language Association (MLA)—is true to at least the first part of its name. What many laymen think of as the classics—British literature up to the 20th Century—is the focus of about one-tenth of the hundreds of panel discussions at the MLA annual meeting.

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