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Thanksgiving Backlog

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Like all of you, we know that personally we have much to be thankful for. Oddly, what we have to be thankful for professionally is the politically correct colleges and universities that supply us with an unending stream of copy.

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Academic Watch List

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Yale may have extricated itself from one controversy when it rejected the application for a Bachelor’s degree from a former Taliban official already taking classes at the new Haven campus. Nonetheless, today’s sons of Eli foster an atmosphere in which indulgence of terrorism can flourish.

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Black Backlash

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Blacks in inner cities who have had enough of public schools are discovering they have other ways of escaping than through the vouchers that mostly white public officials are trying so desperately to curtail or control.

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The head of a U. S. government task force on higher education suggests that if the Ivory Tower cannot get its act together, it may face a version of what the health care industry is confronting—HMOs.

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Remedial U

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Although their presence ensures steady employment of the professoriat and an excuse for public officials to ratchet up spending on higher education, one might question whether a significant portion of college students should even bother signing up for post-secondary classes at all.

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