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Bill Ayers Fears Parents

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It’s been quite a turnaround for Bill Ayers. The Communist terrorist who planned bombings of police stations, in order to inflict maximum injury and death on police officers, is now depending on the police at the University of Illinois, where he is a “distinguished” professor, to protect him from the tough questions of students’ parents.

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The Other Gas Wars

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The most recent gas war between Russia and Ukraine took place January 1st after political tension caused gas price negotiations between the two countries to fall apart and Russia cut gas flows to Ukraine.

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A Question of Torture

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Barack Obama’s recent nominations to the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and other pressures have led some media organizations to question whether an executive order against torture may be one of the new president’s initial policies.

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Academics Laud Drug Use

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Six academics and Philip Campbell, the editor-in-chief of Nature Magazine, recently argued that society should move “towards the responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy,” particularly drugs typically used in the treatment of ADHD.

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Impoverished Studies

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According to Nicholas Eberstadt, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, journalists and policy makers will likely find that next year’s census report poverty statistics are arbitrary to the true economic state of America’s poorest citizens.

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