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Affirmative Activism

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Affirmative action remains a controversial issue in American society; opponents argue that racial preferences undermine the equal treatment of citizens, while supporters argue that endemic racism requires policies which compensate for long-standing racial inequalities.

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Redecorating the Military

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One wonders what would happen, just once, if lawmakers, and for that matter, presidents, of both parties, completely ignored the academics who offer them free advice. For one thing, they might contemplate the employment prospects of the students who pay dearly to follow it.

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Critical Exuberance Defined

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With a full year under his belt and approval ratings below 50%, many Americans seem disenchanted with President Obama’s leadership. Even former ivory tower advocates for the President, it seems, are criticizing hope and change in action.

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Academic Wisdom Unboxed

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As one blogger notes, it is an academic tradition for professors to “try to one-up their colleagues by exchanging unintentionally hilarious sentences from students’ exams and final papers.” In a similar spirit, I will be providing some of the more striking statements made by professors discussing at the 2009 MLA Convention.

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