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Dean of Mean

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By one recent count, President Obama has now appointed 34 “czars” to manage a host of projects. One of the most troubling of these is the new
White House science czar, Dr. John Holdren.

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“Choice” for D.C. Moms

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Following the lead of President Barack Obama, the House of Representatives passed a bill yesterday that would allow the District of Columbia to fund abortions. Also following Obama’s wishes, the same bill affirmed the earlier congressional decision to end school vouchers there.

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Judicial Activism on Display

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Ever wonder what Constitutional law will look like in 2020? While President Obama’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court raises the question of just how much judicial activism the administration intends to foster, writings from some of his nominees also demonstrate how the President prefers progressive jurisprudence.

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Freedom Federation Takes Flight

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A coalition of national groups committed to Judeo-Christian values launched the Freedom Federation on June 30, 2009 with the goal of promoting freedom and representing Christian perspectives on national issues such as abortion, health care, and hate crimes legislation.

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Judicial Sleight of Hand

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Judge David Hamilton of the Southern District of Indiana, who has been nominated by the Obama administration to serve on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, proposes to bring an even more activist approach to the federal judiciary.

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