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Racing To The Trough

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When local officials accept federal funds for the higher purpose of more qualitative national standards in education, about all they get is the “national” part, a trend now evident as states are urged by the federal government to adopt national curriculum standards known as “Common Core.”

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Soros fights for-profit colleges

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In a report published this month, the Capital Research Center (CRC), a nonprofit group that monitors the activities of politically active nonprofits, reported that the Open Society Institute, the grant-making arm of left-wing billionaire George Soros’s empire, supported groups advocating tighter regulation of for-profit higher education institutions.

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Post’s For-Profit Prop

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Further embarrassment ensued when Graham essentially took the Fifth and refused to name the members of the House and Senate he has personally lobbied in order to stave off proposed federal regulations that will cut into the profits of a Washington Post Company subsidiary, Kaplan.

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