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Standardized Test Time Suck

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Why are classrooms silent right before summer break arrives instead of buzzing with uplifting and educated conversation? The answer can usually be found taped to the closed classroom door: “Do not disturb. Test in progress.”…

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Hawaii Stalls Sex Ed

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One person can make a difference, President John F. Kennedy said, and thanks to Hawaii State Rep. Bob McDermott (R) more people might try. The conservative dad took on the state’s Education Department and scored…

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Common Core Not OK


After months of intense, grassroots push-back, opponents of the White House’s Common Core program won another big prize: Oklahoma. This week, the Sooners became the third state to officially dump the President’s education standards, complaining…

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Hole in the Diversity Grail

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Academia is doubling down on diversity and on anyone who comes near it offering diverse thoughts. A special supplement of The Chronicle of Higher Education features articles entitled: “First-Generation at Georgetown—A broad support system helps…

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