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Inside The Ivory Cocoon

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David Rubinstein, a retired University of Illinois at Chicago sociology professor wrote an article which originally appeared in The Weekly Standard that sarcastically thanked Illinois taxpayers for their contribution to his well-funded “cushy life.”

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CAP Learns from the Past

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William Slotnik authored the Center for American Progress (CAP) report, titled “Levers for Change: Pathways for State-to-District Assistance in Underperforming School Districts,” that details how states and districts should interact to save struggling public schools and avoid the problems of past interventions.

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TM Vetoed in Illinois

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CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill. — School officials at an Illinois high school have agreed to stop organizing and leading students in transcendental meditation exercises, which are rooted in the Buddhist religious practice, during class time and as part of the honors English curriculum.

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