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Leave Us Alone

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Several Muslim scholars argued at a recent Georgetown University conference on religious freedom that the best way for America to encourage Islamic religious freedom is to stay out of the discussion.

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A Conservative in the Academy

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If the common saying, “if you are young and not liberal, then you have no heart; but if you are old and not conservative, then you have no brain,” holds true, then why are our academies littered with aging Marxists and radical feminist professors?

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Ode To a Lost Decade

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“The 1990’s witnessed a major transformation in the discourse of theory, with the rise of new figures, a shift in the works of others, and a new sexuality,” said University of Florida Professor Phillip Wegner.

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Refugee or Terrorist?

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Some human rights advocacy groups, such as the radical Human Rights First—a civil rights organization which filed amicus briefs on behalf of alleged dirty bomb builder, Jose Padilla—view the ‘broadly written’ provisions of the Patriot and REAL ID acts as discriminatory toward refugees, who can now be more easily refused access to the United States.

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