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Diversity Uber Alles

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For academics, diversity is the answer, no matter what the question is. “Making news this past May was the release of employee diversity information at large tech firms, including Google, LinkedIn and Yahoo, which indicated,…

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Women Study MOOCs

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The panel, titled “MOOCs, Boutique Subjects, and Marginal Approaches,” featured five college professors who expressed fear for the future of their humanities departments and courses because of the introduction of MOOCs, mostly from a feminist perspective.

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Bias @ Bowdoin Documented

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For years, claims of liberal biases on college campuses have run rampant. Peter Wood and Michael Toscano of the National Association of Scholars set out to test these claims in a thorough investigation of Bowdoin College.

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The Sound of Silence

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A 90-page report about leftist bias at the University of California has stirred controversy among academics and other interested parties, but so far, the targets of the study have chosen silence as their weapon of choice.

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