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MLA Deconstructs Middle East

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When the Modern Language Association (MLA) deconstructs something, it stays scrambled. Thousands of English professors attend the annual MLA conferences and just about every English Department is represented there. At this year’s meeting in Austin,…

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Is Cornell in America?

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Public schools used to assign “What my country means to me” as an essay topic. One wonders what one would get from such an exercise if it were given to Cornell undergrads who got a chance to take the full panoply of courses available there under the heading, American Studies.

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NC “Scholars” Assail GOP

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At one of the recent meetings, some of them “openly bragged about their arrests, fights with cops, and the help with legal entanglements they’ve received from the NAACP. More than 900 arrests have occurred since the protests launched in April.”

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