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Dept. of Ed Goes Global

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The U.S. Department of Education’s report, “Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement” tries to show how American students will gain more international experience. The report features six quotes by the department secretary Arne Duncan,…

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Checkmating History

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Perhaps chess champions who escaped from the old Soviet Union can give us better history lessons than academic historians. “Sometimes I joke that if guys like Barack Obama and David Cameron had been in power…

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The Left’s War on Women

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While the so-called “conservative war on women” remains a favorite topic of talking heads, actual assaults on the gender are increasingly coming from the political Left. “Obamacare affects women,” Mattie Duppler, of Americans for Tax…

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Rich School, Dumb School?


Although the U. S. spends more than half a trillion dollars on public schools, the Left still believes that raising that amount will somehow make students smarter. “Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools…

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How Healthcare.Gov Imploded

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The Obama Administration continues to prioritize political success over people as evidenced in the rollout of the public face of Obamacare: As of the end of February 2014, the Administration had spent $834 million…

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