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Biased Campuses & Free Pizza

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Biased Campuses & Free Pizza


How biased are the campuses?


A debate between


John K. Wilson of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)




Mal Kline, Executive Director, Accuracy in Academia (AIA)




June 14, 2012

6-8 PM

The Van Andel Center

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave., NE

Washington, D. C.

The event is free for all Capitol Hill and Washington, D. C. –area interns  but please R. S. V. P. or call (202)364-3085 so that we can get a head count for food..

This event is part of The Frank A. Fusco Conservative University Lecture Series this year, made possible by a generous grant from The Frank A. Fusco and Nelly Goletti Fusco Foundation.

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