Academic War on Women

That’s where the real assault is.
For example:
o “Students at the University of California San Diego filed a complaint and triggered an administrative probe after pictures of Kate Steinle were hung on campus,” Bradford Richardson reported in The Washington Times on December 20, 2017. “Gregory Lu said he hung up 150 posters picturing Steinle with the caption, ‘She had dreams too,’ on Dec. 7. Four days later, he said he received an email from the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination asking to meet with him.” Lu has wisely waited to do so until obtaining legal counsel. By the way, you may recall that Kathryn Steinle was a career woman killed by a (male) career criminal.
o “Parents angry with President Trump’s policies reportedly yanked their kids out of classes at a Connecticut high school on Monday when senior White House adviser Ivanka Trump made a surprise visit,” Jessica Chasmar reported in The Washington Times on December 19, 2017. I’ve seen Ivanka Trump speak in person: Ann Coulter she isn’t. Surely the parental units could have accorded her some respect, even if they are in Connecticut.
o “U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos applauded University of Baltimore graduates during their winter commencement ceremony Monday and challenged them to be thoughtful and selfless, and to persevere in the face of hardship,” Talia Richman reported in The Baltimore Sun on December 18, 2017. “But her address was met with protests by some students and faculty who said they find her views on public education repugnant and who silently turned their backs as she spoke during the ceremony at the Lyric theater.” DeVos is an establishment Republican who, until her appointment as Secretary of Education to President Donald Trump, was primarily known for her works of philanthropy. She didn’t even get that political when she spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). I know: I was there.