Accuracy in Academia remembers civil rights on Martin Luther King Day 2023

Martin Luther King Day commemorates the civil rights legacy of black civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., which is recognized as a federal holiday.
King was assassinated outside a Memphis motel room in 1968 at the age of 39, but he left a legacy of civil rights activism. He was an integral part in desegregation efforts in the Deep South and rallied black Christian churches to make a public stand against Jim Crow policies that were in place since the Reconstruction. His much-lauded speech, “I Have a Dream,” has been quoted in classes since he delivered it on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Despite his reported moral shortcomings, his contribution to civil rights cannot be ignored.
It is ironic that the Left cancels America’s Founding Fathers because of slavery, but the Left leaves figures like King untouched. Ultimately, man is flawed and imperfect, but one cannot ignore the double-standard persists in modern society.
We remember the importance of civil rights today, particularly as the Left is hijacking civil rights to censor and intimidate conservatives throughout the country. As King said, “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”