AIA announces new Bias Watch column to cover media bias

Accuracy in Academia (AIA) is pleased to announce a new Bias Watch column series written by AIA Chairman Don Irvine, which will cover media bias in current events, politics, higher education, and K-12 education. Don Irvine will continue Reed Irvine’s legacy of keeping the the powers-that-be accountable for their actions.
“For too long, entrenched education bureaucrats, inept administrators, and radicalized teachers have not been held accountable by parents, grandparents, students, and taxpayers,” Don Irvine said, “This is why AIA is unveiling Bias Watch to hold them accountable, to keep their feet to the fire, and to continue my father’s legacy of critically evaluating the liberal biases within America, whether it is in the media newsroom, cable news broadcast, or classroom.”
Don Irvine previously led Accuracy in Media as chairman until transitioning to AIA and has over thirty years of media analysis experience.
Bias Watch will be located on AIA’s website and will be found under the “Bias Watch” menu on the home page.
We look forward to your continued readership.