MLA Archives

The Modern Language Association (known as MLA) gathers annually in a liberal city of their choice early in the month of January. These professors, graduate students and PhD candidates specialize in language, literature and many obscure academic subjects and are indoctrinating America’s future leaders. What do they discuss? Topics such as:
- Black Lives Matter and anti-police rhetoric
- White privilege and “whiteness”
- Disability, or “crip,” theory
- Gay children’s literature
- Queer cowboys
- Global South (i.e. Global North like the U.S. oppresses the poorer Global South)
- Anti-Israeli rhetoric
- Communism
- Gay zombies in the Caribbean region
- Eco-terrrorism
Accuracy in Academia attends their annual MLA convention each year to expose the liberal indoctrination going on in our classrooms at colleges today. Take a look at our archives below:
- Hit Broadway Musical “Hamilton” and its intersection with black hip-hop music
- Black Lives Matter street theater discussion
- Professor recalled that Martin Luther King, Jr. once went toe-to-toe with then-Chicago mayor Richard Daley in the housing projects
- MLA Vocabulary Contest
- Professors invoked the names of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Sandra Bland to further police brutality narratives
- Panel of professors said they must stick together against Trump
- Genuine Scholarship about Shakespeare
- The Holy Land is a “feminine land”
- Professors’ sense of humor isn’t actually funny
- There is a janitorial workers protest at the University of California-Berkeley
- Eco-terrorism protects the environment from capitalists
- Humanities PhDs must learn to write better if they want to find work
- Jane Austen apparently “gave comfort to whiteness”, said one professor
- Herman Melville can be used to interpret Black Lives Matter, Donald Trump
- Captain Ahab of “Moby Dick” is a symbol against capitalism
- The study of gays, zombies and queer literature in Caribbean culture
- Heteropatriarchy is a key phrase for academics
- Queering civil rights history in America
- The ABCs of the MLA
- Anti-Gun, Left-Wing Professors March in Austin, Texas
- VIDEO: Left-Wing Professors Protest Guns on College Campuses in Texas
- PHOTO GALLERY: The Anti-Gun Protest by Left-Wing Professors
- PHOTO GALLERY: Left-Wing Books Sold at the MLA
- Israel and Gaza is like Ferguson’s race riots
- English Majors Don’t Become Baristas
- “The Hunger Games” is Sexist
- Due Process Overlooked in Discussion of Rape
- Professors Obsess over Steven Salaita’s Firing
- Capitalism Punishes the Disabled Poor, claims Professor
- Professors Try to Interpret the ‘Serial’ Podcast
- From Stalinist Russia, With Love
- Charles Dickens and Gay Culture
- Animal Farm, Explained
- Aging Studies is an actual field of study
- Inventing ‘Imaginary’ as a Noun
- Frankenstein could be Gay, says Professor
- Professor Believes Video Games Need More Feminists
- Amnesty International Ignores Victims of Prostitution
- Stories about Sexual Violence in the Military
- Rocks are Alive, says Instructor
- Gay Puerto Rican cowboy movie and interpretation of it
- Gardening exposes Personality Differences between Europeans and Americans
- Environmental Activism Exists in the Humanities
- A sparsely-attended #BlackLivesMatter protest fizzles in the convention center (video in the link)
- Al Jazeera blogger and Palestinian activist blasts Israel’s ‘occupation’
- Marxist children’s literature praised by professors
- Conservatives’ view of social welfare isn’t compatible with Catholicism
- Adjunct professors bring up how little they’re paid and how tenured faculty resent them
- Activist professor claims professors’ right to free speech is quelled on college campuses
- Fall of the Soviet Union “robbed” the world of socialism and communism
- Free trade & NAFTA encourage violence in Mexico
- Professor claimed he’s being persecuted by the CIA
- The complete MLA coverage for 2015 by AIA can be found at this link
- Aging studies, or professors studied the effects of age on climate change,
- Professor admitted professors pretend bad students don’t exist (but they do)
- Slideshow of naked lesbians and accusations of anti-lesbian South African violence
- The new Rachel Carson is Charles Dickens, the original environmentalist
- Professor confirmed Obama’s connection to Frank Marshall Davis
- Professor believed Keynesian economics and George Soros could “solve” the financial crisis
- Gay Moroccan literature mixed in with Arab Spring discussions
- Marxist poetry shared in one session
- Ignored religion in Moby Dick yet talked about Cold War references
- Took offense to Mark Twain’s words
- Analysis of a werewolf film
- A session full of anti-Israeli BDS rhetoric, which accused Israel of human rights violations
- Common Core slammed by a professor
- Common Core is “education for cubicles,” as one professor noted
- A psychoanalysis of William Shakespeare
- Literature was used to interpret mathematics
- Anti-war professors critical of Obama’s drone war
- Dissident Iranian activists and artists lament the control of the Iranian regime over art
- Claimed Abu Ghraib prison abuses included women and children
- Analyzing pro-torture films such as ‘Zero Dark Thirty‘
- The MLA vote to boycott of Israel failed
- MLA denied a pro-Israel group entry into a session on academic freedom and Israel
- The complete MLA coverage for 2014 by AIA can be found at this link